Art Across at Reduce-Reuse-Recycle with Europia for Hulme Winter Festival

Sustainability in Art

7th December 2019

Sara was invited to contribute to the event Reduce-Reuse-Recycle, organised by Europia as part of Hulme Winter Festival 2019.

The afternoon invited participants to reflect on issues related to climate change and sustainability through different activities, including art performance, crafts, workshops and stalls, considering creative approaches to the three R's of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Sara's talk responded to the themes of the event, looking at them through the art-historical lens: examples of recycling and upcycling, reducing and reusing were drawn from the past, spanning from the Colosseum to van Gogh, to appreciate the possibility of reflecting on how past and contemporary artistic expressions can be source of inspiration for such relevant and vital topics in our modern world.